11th Giovanni Magni Lecture
in Lecture, NewsMilano, 10 Dicembre 2018, ore 15,00
Prof. Yves Barral (Institute of Biochemistry, ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
10th Giovanni Magni Lecture
in Lecture, NewsMilano, 20 Dicembre 2016, ore 15,00
Prof.ssa Maria Pia Longhese (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
Prof. Marco Muzi Falconi (Università degli Studi di Milano)
9th Giovanni Magni Lecture
in Lecture, NewsFirenze, 7 novembre 2014, ore 15,00
Prof. David M. Shore, Department of Molecular Biology and Institute for Genetics and Genomics, University of Geneva, Switzerland
8th Giovanni Magni Lecture
in Lecture, NewsMilano, 22 ottobre 2012
Prof. Virginia Zakian, Department of Molecular Biology
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
7th Giovanni Magni Lecture
in Lecture, NewsMilano, 7 ottobre 2010
Prof. Rodney Rothstein, Department of Genetics and Development, Columbia University Medical Center, New York
6th Giovanni Magni Lecture
in Lecture, NewsMilano, 27 novembre 2008
Prof. Alan Robert Lehmann, Genome Damage and Stabilioty Centre,
University of Sussexs, UK
5th Giovanni Magni Lecture
in Lecture, NewsMilano, 4 dicembre 2006
Prof. Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Professore Emerito di Genetica, Stanford University, Standford, CA, USA
4th Giovanni Magni Lecture
in Lecture, NewsMilano, 19 ottobre 2004
Prof. Kim Nasmyth, Research Institute of Molecular, Pathology, Vienna
3rd Giovanni Magni Lecture
in Lecture, NewsMilano, 30 settembre 2002
Prof. André Goffeau, Université de Louvain, Belgium
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